

How do I install Dyna Beads through 90° valve stems?

A: The author has personally installed Dyna Beads in a few hundred GoldWings with 90° valve stems without a problem, using a hand held vibration tool, such as a vibrating engraver. (Harbor Freight, Dayton, others)

To see this process,go to the Installation Page here .

If you have a problem, it's due to one of two factors:
Occasionally, (on the old styles) a poor quality bend can reduce the size of the hole and not allow beads to pass, or, (more likely) there is gummy compressor oil inside the valve stem itself. In this case, take a pipe cleaner, dip it in some alcohol, and run it through the 90° stem.

There one other option that a few other Wing owners have taken. That is to replace the 90° stem with a common automotive valve stem, part number #TR-413. Note If you have valve mounted TPMS systems, this is not an option.



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